(2025, in press) Defund Culture: Why the Arts Are So White, Male and Middle-Class
and What We Can Do About It (Pennsylvania: mediastudies.press)
(2025, in press) The Uberfication of the University/The Inhumanist Manifesto (Santiago: Ediciones mimesis). (This is a collected Spanish language version of both texts.)
(2025) Masked Media: What It Means to Be Human in the Age of Artificial Creative Intelligence, due to appear in Open Humanities Press's Media:Art:Write:Now series, edited by Joanna Zylinska.
(2021) A Stubborn Fury: How Writing Works In Elitist Britain (London: Open Humanities Press). (Australasian Posthumanities podcast discussion here; video-recording of book-launch discussion with Carolina Rito here; reviewed in Postdigital Science and Education here)
(2016) Públicos Fantasma - La Naturaleza Política Del Libro - La Red (Mexico: Taller de Ediciones Económicas) - co-authored with Andrew Murphie, Janneke Adema and Alessandro Ludovico.
(2016) Pirate Philosophy (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press). (Blogged about by Roger Malina here and by Mark Carrigan here. Podcast interview with Mark Carrigan, 'Pirate Philosophy and Post-Capitalism', here; and interview with Chris Richardson for the This Is Not A Pipe Podcast here. Reviewed by Roger Malina here; by Robert Maddox-Harle in Leonardo here; in Information Research here; and in International Journal of Communication here.)
(2016) The Uberfication of the University (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). (Open access Forerunners series version available here; interactive Manifold series version publish here in 2017. Interview in Inside Higher Ed available here; and in Times Higher Education here. Featured in the Poppletonian here. A Place Like the Present podcast discussion here.)
(2014) Open Education: A Study in Disruption (London: Rowman and Littlefield International) - a book co-authored by Coventry’s Open Media Group and Mute Publishing. (Open access version available here.)
(2008) Digitize This Book! (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
(2002) Culture In Bits (London and New York: Continuum).
Edited books
(2007) Experimenting (New York: Fordham University Press) - co-edited with Simon Morgan Wortham.
(2006) New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) - co-edited with Clare Birchall. A US edition of this book was published by the University of Georgia Press in March 2007; a South Asian edition by Orient Longman in October 2007; a Turkish translation by Say Yayinlari in 2013.
More experimental books
(2023) Experimental Publishing Compendium, compiled by Janneke Adema, Simon Bowie, Gary Hall, Rebekka Kiesewetter, Julien McHardy, and Tobias Steiner. A guide and reference for scholars, publishers, developers, librarians, and designers who want to challenge, push, and redefine the shape, form, and rationale of scholarly books.
(2018) Masked Media - limited edition, paper-only publication for Nick Thurston and The House That Heals The Soul exhibition, Tetley, Leeds.
(2017) The Inhumanist Manifesto: Extended Play (Boulder: The Techne Lab, University of Colorado). Revised, longer version of the Media Theory article of the same name, published in Mark Amerika et als Techne: Art+Research E-Pamphlet series.
(2016) Really, We're Helping To Build This . . . Business: The Academia.edu Files (London: Open Humanities Press) co-edited with Janneke Adema +. Digital, open access (gratis and libre) book on the data-driven world of social networking.
(2015) A Guide To Open And Hybrid Publishing (Or How To Create An Image-Based Open Access Book In 10 Easy Steps), Open Content Exchange Platform, December - co-authored with Kamila Kuc and Joanna Zylinska, and part of a larger editorial and curatorial project called Photomediations: An Open Book (London: Open Humanities Press, 2015), eds Joanna Zylinska, Kamila Kuc, Jonathan Shaw, Ross Varney and Michael Wamposzyc. Both the Guide and Photomediations: An Open Book were funded by the European Union's ICT Policy Support Programme.
(2011) Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me (London: Open Humanities Press) - edited, open access (gratis and libre), open source, digital book on the impact of big data, big analytics and algorithmic search and visualisation techniques, published in the Living Books about Life series, funded by Jisc.
(2008) New Cultural Studies: The Liquid Theory Reader (London: Open Humanities Press) – co-edited with Clare Birchall +. Digital, open access (gratis and libre) book published in the Culture Machine Liquid Books series.
(2025, under review) Contribution of 3 'prompts' to the Ecologies of Dissemination issue of the journal PARSE, edited by Eva Weinmayr and Femke Snelting. (This experimental issue emphasizes collective, community-based and relational practices of knowledge production over individual authorship. Accordingly, it eschewes the traditional journal structure of a collection of thematically-linked freestanding articles in favour of a network of prompts, case studies, conversations and shared resources.)
(2024) 'Creative AI: Thinking Outside the Black Box', Media Theory (blog), May 24.
(2024) 'A Brief History of Writing: From Human Meaning to Pattern Recognition and Beyond', with Joanna Zylinska, The Writing Platform, May 1.
(2024) 'Culture and the University as White, Male, Liberal Humanist, Public Space', New Formations, special issue on Public Knowledge: The Academy and Beyond, Volume 2023, Issue 100 & 101. (Open access pre-print available here.)
(2022) ‘Review of Bitstreams: The Future of Digital Literary Heritage', Modern Philology, Volume 120, Issue 2. (This is a review article of Matthew Kirschenbaum, Bitstreams: The Future of Digital Literary Heritage [Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021].)
(2022) 'Defund Culture', Radical Philosophy, 2.12, Spring.
(2021) 'Pluriversal Socialism - The Very Idea', Media Theory, Vol.5, No.1.
(2021) ‘Postdigital Politics’, in Cornelia Sollfrank, Shuhsa Niederberger and Felix Stalder, eds, Aesthetics of the Commons (Zurich-Berlin: diaphanes). (An extended 'author's cut' version of 'Postdigital Politics' is available here.)
(2019) 'Anti-Bourgeois Theory', Media Theory, Vol.3, No.2, December. (See the following responses to this article in Vol. 4, No 1, 2020 issue of Media Theory here: Gabriela Méndez Cota, 'Pirate Traces'; and Jeremy Gilbert, 'Anti-Bourgeois For What?'. A Hungarian translation of 'Anti-Bourgeois Theory' is due to appear in the avant-garde activist publication Tett.)
(2019) 'Class and Culture in Elitist Britain', Discover Society, December 4.
(2019) 'Open Humanities Press – The Inhumanist Manifesto', Journal of Peer Production #13: OPEN, April (extract from The Inhumanist Manifesto: Extended Play - see above).
(2017) 'The Inhumanist Manifesto', Media Theory, Vol. 1, No.1.
(2016), 'Posthumanities: The Dark Side of "The Dark Side of the Digital"' (with Janneke Adema), in Janneke Adema and Gary Hall, eds, Disrupting the Humanities: Towards Posthumanities, Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 9, No.2, Fall.
(2016) 'Pirate Philosophy And Post-Capitalism: A Conversation With Gary Hall', by Mark Carrigan, The Sociological Imagination, December 8.
(2016) 'Just Because You Write about Posthumanism Doesn’t Mean You Aren’t a Liberal Humanist: An Interview with Gary Hall', by Francien Broekhuizen, Simon Dawes, Danai Mikelli and Poppy Wilde, Networking Knowledge, Vol 9, No 1.
(2016) 'Deleuze’s "Postscript on the Societies of Control"’ (with Clare Birchall and Pete Woodbridge) republished in Adnan Hadzi, Oliver Lerone Schultz, Pablo De Soto and Laila Shereen Sakr, eds, after.video (London: Open Humanities Press, 2017)
(2015) 'Performing the Humanities @ 24 fps', Photomediations Machine, December 3.
(2015) 'What Does Academia.edu's Success Mean for Open Access: The Data-Driven World of Search Engines and Social Networking', Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy, no.5. (Originally published on the LSE Impact of the Social Sciences Blog, October 22. Shortly to be re-published in Alyssa Arbuckle, Graham Jensen and Ray Siemens eds, Connection & the Commons and Open Social Scholarship (Open Scholarship Press). A version translated into French is also available here. Featured in the US Chronicle of Higher Education, December 2, 2015, in a piece by Ellen Wexler titled ‘As Academia.edu Grows, Some Scholars Voice Concerns’.)
(2015) 'The Uberfication of the University', Discover Society, July 30. (Republished on the LSE's Impact of the Social Sciences Blog on August 27 here.)
(2015) ‘Open to Disruption: Education and "either/and" Media Practice', interview with Gary Hall, Shaun Hides and Jonathan Shaw, Journal of Media Practice, Volume 16, Issue 1.
(2014) 'Copyfight', Critical Keywords for the Digital Humanities (Lüneburg: Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University).
(2013) 'Toward a Post-Digital Humanities: Cultural Analytics and the Computational Turn to Data-Driven Scholarship', American Literature, Volume 85, Number 4, December. Special issue on New Media and American Literature, editors Tara McPherson, Patrick Jagoda, and Wendy H. K. Chun. (Blogged here.)
(2013) ‘The Unbound Book: Academic Publishing in the Age of the Infinite Archive’, Journal of Visual Culture, volume 12, issue 3. (Blogged about on the IRISS blog about using social media for workplace knowledge sharing and learning here.)
(2013) '#MySubjectivation', New Formations, Number 79, Autumn. (Blogged about on the LSE's Impact of Social Sciences here in relation to the death of the theorist and rise of data and algorithms in research.)
(2013) 'The Political Nature of the Book: On Artists' Books and Radical Open Access' (co-authored with Janneke Adema), New Formations, Number 78, Summer.
(2012) ‘The Singularity of New Media’, in Between Page and Screen: Remaking Literature through Cinema and Cyberspace, edited by Kiene Brillenburg Wurth (New York: Fordham University Press).
(2012) ‘The Post-Secret State: Openness and Transparency in the Era of Gov 2.0’ (co-authored with Clare Birchall and Pete Woodbridge), Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy, vol.1.
(2012) ‘How to Do Justice to Media Specificity: or, Should This Video Be Left to Speak for Itself?’(co-authored with Clare Birchall and Pete Woodbridge), Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy, vol.1
(2012) 'Onstran papirocentrizma? Intervju: Gary Hall', interview (in Slovenian) with Robert Bobnič & Jurij Smrke, Tribuna, April.
(2012) 'Pirate Radical Philosophy', Radical Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy, 173, May/June.
(2012) 'Is Critical Theory Out of Time for Data-Driven Scholarship?' and 'There are No Digital Humanities', in Debates in the Digital Humanities, edited by Matthew K. Gold (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
(2011) 'White Noise: On the Limits of Openness (Living Books Mix)', in Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me: Open Science and its Discontents (Michigan: Open Humanities Press - an imprint of MPublishing, University of Michigan Library).
(2011) ‘Pirate Philosophy (Version 3.0)’ [in a Japanese translation], Gendai-Shiso: Revue de la pensee d'aujourd'hui, Vol.39-10, July.
(2011) 'Force of Binding: On Liquid, Living Books (Version 2.0: Mark Amerika Mix)’, remixthebook.com, companion website to Mark Amerika, remixthebook (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011).
(2011) ‘Cultural Studies and Theory: Once More From the Top With Feeling’ (co-authored with Clare Birchall), in The Renewal of Cultural Studies, edited by Paul Smith (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).
(2011) 'Ambient Scholarship', I Read Where I Am, edited by Geert Lovink, Mieke Gerritzen and Minke Kampman (Amsterdam: Graphic Design Museum).
(2011) ‘The Digital Humanities Beyond Computing: A Postscript’, Culture Machine, 12.
(2010) ‘Fluid Notes on Liquid Books’, in Timothy W. Luke and Jeremy W. Hunsinger eds, Putting Knowledge to Work and Letting Information Play: The Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Center for Digital Discourse and Culture (CDDC) @ Virginia Tech.
(2010) 'Deleuze’s "Postscript on the Societies of Control"’ (co-authored with Clare Birchall and Pete Woodbridge), Culture Machine, 11.
(2010) 'Introduction to Liquid Theory TV, Episode 2: Deleuze’s "Postscript on the Societies of Control"’(co-authored with Clare Birchall and Pete Woodbridge), Culture Machine, 11.
(2009) ‘The Open Scholarship Full Disclosure Initiative: A Subversive Proposal’, Against the Grain (June).
(2009) ‘WikiNation: On Peace and Conflict in the Middle East’, Cultural Politics, Vol. 5, No 1, March (pp. 5-26).
(2009) 'Introduction to Version 1.0' (with Clare Birchall), in Gary Hall, Clare Birchall and others (eds) New Cultural Studies: The Liquid Theory Reader (Open Humanities Press).
(2009) ‘Pirate Philosophy (Version 1.0)', Culture Machine, Vol. 10.
(2007) 'IT, Again: Or, How to Build an Ethical Virtual Institution', in Simon Morgan Wortham and Gary Hall (eds) Experimenting: Essays with Samuel Weber (New York: Fordham University Press). A German translation of this article was published in the special issue of the journal Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, Medien – Kőrper – Imagination, edited by Mark Poster and Christoph Wulf, 17.1 (2008).
(2007) 'Experimenting with Samuel Weber' (co-authored with Simon Morgan Wortham), in Simon Morgan Wortham and Gary Hall (eds) Experimenting: Essays with Samuel Weber (New York: Fordham University Press).
(2007) 'The Politics of Secrecy: Cultural Studies and Derrida in the Age of Empire', Cultural Studies, Vol. 21 No 1 (January); also published as 'Cultural Studies and Deconstruction', in Gary Hall and Clare Birchall (eds), New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press).
(2006) 'New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory (Some Comments, Clarifications, Explanations, Observations, Recommendations, Remarks, Statements and Suggestions)' (co-authored with Clare Birchall), in New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory, edited by Gary Hall and Clare Birchall (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh).
(2006) 'Coca-colonised Thinking?', The Oxford Literary Review, 28.
(2004) 'Slashdoc', Culture Machine 6.
(2004) 'Why You Can't Do Cultural Studies and Be a Derridean: Cultural Studies After Birmingham, the New Social Movements and the New Left', Culture Machine 6.
(2004) 'Digitise This', The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, Vol.26, No.1, January-March.
(2003) 'Digitise This', Mediactive, Vol.1, No.1.
(2003) 'The Cultural Studies e-Archive Project (Original Pirate Copy)', Culture Machine 5.
(2002) 'Para-site', in The Cyborg Experiments: The Extensions of the Body in the Media Age, edited by Joanna Zylinska (Continuum: London and New York).
(1998) 'Beyond Marxism and Psychoanalysis' in Psycho-politics and Cultural Desires, edited by Jan Campbell and Janet Harbord (Taylor and Francis: London and New York).
(2000) 'Prospectus', Culture Machine 2.
(1999) 'www.culturalstudies.ac.uk', The Oxford Literary Review, 21.
(1999) 'This is a Test', Culture Machine 1.
(1996) 'Answering the Question: "What is an Intellectual?"', Surfaces, Vol. VI
(1996) '"It's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate": Why Cultural Studies Is So "Naff"', Angelaki, 2:2; republished in Popular Culture, edited by Michael Pickering (2010, Sage, forthcoing), four volume edition published as part of Sage Benchmarks in Culture & Society.
(1996) 'Interdisciplinarity and Its Discontents', Angelaki, 2:2. (with Simon Wortham).
(1996) 'Asking the Question: "What is an Intellectual?"', Parallax, Vol.1, No. 2.
(2010) 'We Can Know It For You: The Secret Life of Metadata', in How We Became Metadata, catalogue for exhibition at the Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, University of Westminster, London, May to July, 2010. (Exhibition blogged at Boundaryobject.org.)
(2009) ‘Experiments of the Stelarc-Machine’ (with Joanna Zylinska) in Stelarc Mechaniques du Corps/Body Mechanics, retrospective catalogue for exhibition at Centre des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains, France, April - consists of 13,000 word essay and interview with Stelarc published simultaneously in French and English.
Edited Journal Issues
(2016) Janneke Adema and Gary Hall, eds, Disrupting the Humanities: Towards Posthumanities, Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 9, No.2, Winter.
(2009) Pirate Philosophy, special 10th anniversary issue of the journal Culture Machine 10.
(2004) Deconstruction is/in Cultural Studies, Culture Machine 6 (co-edited with Dave Boothroyd and Joanna Zylinska). Includes contributions from Peggy Kamuf, Mark Hansen, Paul Bowman, Clare Birchall, Stefan Herbrechter and Jeremy Gilbert.
(2003) The e-Issue, Culture Machine 5. Includes contributions from N. Katherine Hayles, Mark Amerika, Cathryn Vasseleu, Anna Munster, Chris Chesher, Gregory L. Ulmer and Bernard Stiegler.
(2000) The University Culture Machine, Culture Machine 2 (co-edited with Simon Morgan). Includes contributions from Jacques Derrida, Diane Elam, Henry Giroux, David Kolb, Ted Striphas, Stevan Harnad, Hal Varian and Samuel Weber.
(1999) Taking Risks With the Future, Culture Machine 1 (co-edited with Dave Boothroyd). Includes contributions from Lawrence Grossberg, Sue Golding, Timothy Clark, Jan Campbell, Ken Surin and Michael Naas.
(1996) Authorizing Culture (co-edited with Simon Morgan), Angelaki, 2:2. Includes contributions from Robert J. C. Young, Graham Dawson and Homi K. Bhabha.
(2023) ‘How To Be A Pirate: An Interview with Alexandra Elbakyan and Gary Hall by Holger Briel’ in The Piracy Years: Internet File Sharing in a Global Context, edited by Michael High, Markus Heidingsfelder and Holger Briel (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press).
(2021) '"La modernidad fue un "blip" en el sistema": sobre teorías y disrupciones con Gary Hall' ['"Modernity was a "blip" in the system": on theories and disruptions with Gary Hall'], by Alejandro Pérez Echeverry, Semana (Colombia), May 13.
(2020) 'Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs: An Open Insights Interview with Janneke Adema and Gary Hall', Open Insights: Open Library of Humanities (blog), January 13.
(2017) 'Suspended Sentences: an interview with Stelarc' (with Joanna Zylinska), Stretched Skin: Obsolete, Uncertain and Indifferent Body (Oslo: PS Media)
(2003) 'Talking Prosthetic Heads: Listening to Stelarc', Live Art Letters (with Joanna Zylinska).
(2002) 'Probings: an Interview with Stelarc' (with Joanna Zylinska). In The Cyborg Experiments: The Extensions of the Body in the Media Age, edited by Joanna Zylinska (London and New York: Continuum).
(2001) 'Responding: A Discussion with Samuel Weber', Culture Machine, InterZone (with Simon Morgan Wortham). Republished in The South Atlantic Quarterly 101:3, Summer 2002, in Simon Morgan Wortham (2003) Samuel Weber: Acts of Reading (Hampshire: Ashgate) and in Samuel Weber (2005) Theatricality as Medium (New York: Fordham University Press).
(1996) 'Rethinking Authority: An Interview with Homi K. Bhabha', Angelaki, 2:2 (with Simon Morgan).
Published conference proceedings
(2014) ‘An Academic Spring: Putting the Neoliberal University to the Test’, proceedings of (Re)Making and Undoing of Peace/Conflict: Third International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, April 11-13, 2012.
(2008) ‘Hyper-Cyprus’, proceedings of the Second International Conference in Communication and Media Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, May 2-4, 2007.
(2007) 'Beyond Impact: OA in the Humanities' (with Sigi Jottkandt), 'How to Increase Your Impact with Open Access', Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, Brussels, 13 February.
(2002) 'The Politics and Ethics of Electronic Archiving', The New Information Order and the Future of the Archive, edited by John Frow, Old College, University of Edinburgh.
(2022) How to Practice Culture-led Recommoning, with Mel Jordan and Andrew Hewitt (aka Partisan Social Club). Marker on tarpaulin and plywood.
Professional activities
Photomediations: An Open Book - an interactive photographic encyclopaedia, based on a variation of the liquid/living books model, and developed as part of a funded ICT-PSP-CIP Europeanna Space project. Project team: Joanna Zylinska, Kamila Kuc, Jonathan Shaw, Ross Varney and Michael Wamposzyc. Project advisor: Gary Hall.
Co-founder of Open Humanities Press (OHP), the first open-access publishing house dedicated to contemporary critical and cultural theory. OHP was established in 2006 and launched in 2008 by an international group of scholars in response to the perceived crisis in academic publishing. OHP’s board includes Alain Badiou, Gert Buelens, Barbara Cohen, Tom Cohen, Steven Connor, Denise Troll Covey, Jonathan Culler, Mark Davis, Ortwin de Graef, Wlad Godzich, Stephen Greenblatt, Lawrence Grossberg, Donna Haraway, N. Katherine Hayles, Katie King, Douglas Kellner, Kyoo Lee, Alan Liu, J. Hillis Miller, Jerome McGann, Antonio Negri, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Dany Nobus, István Rév, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Peter Suber, William B. Warner, John Willinsky. OHP was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education: see Jennifer Howard, ‘New Open-Access Humanities Press Makes Its Debut’: Wednesday, May 7, 2008. An interview with Gary Hall discussing OHP was published by Tracey Caldwell as part of ‘OA in the Humanities Badlands’, Information World Review, 04 June, 2008.
OHP currently has 17 journals including Culture Machine, Cosmos and History, Fast Capitalism, Fibreculture, Film-Philosophy and Vectors.
An OHP monograph series project, run in collaboration with the University of Michigan’s Scholarly Publishing Office, and the Public Knowledge Project headed by John Willinsky of Stanford University (which is currently developing an equivalent for monographs to their Open Journal Systems) was launched in 2009 with 5 book series:
- New Metaphysics, edited by Bruno Latour and Graham Harman;
- Critical Climate Change, edited by Tom Cohen and Claire Colebrook;
- Fibreculture Book Series, edited by Andrew Murphie;
- Immediations, edited by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi;
- Liquid Books by Gary Hall and Clare Birchall
- Techographies by Steven Connor, David Trotter and James Purdon
OHP books published (as both HTML and POD) include:
- The Democracy of Objects by Levi R. Bryant;
- Terror, Theory and the Humanities, edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo and Uppinder Mehan
- Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1, edited by Tom Cohen;
- Impasses of the Post-Global: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 2, edited by Henry Sussman;
- Immersion Into Noise by Joseph Nechvatal
- The Cultural Politics of the New American Studies by John Carlos Rowe.
- New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies, edited by Rick Dolphijn and Iris van der Tuin
- Realist Magic by Timothy Morton
- Tocqueville and Democracy in the Internet Age by C. Jon Delogu
- Ontological Catastrophe by Joseph Carew
- Architecture in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy, edited by Etienne Turpin
- Death of the PostHuman: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1 by Claire Colebrook
- Sex After Life: Essays on Extinction, Vol. 2 by Claire Colebrook
- Stolen Future, Broken Present: The Human Significance of Climate Change by David A. Collings
Series Editor (with Clare Birchall and Joanna Zylinska) of the Living Books About Life (LiviBL) series - funded by JISC and published by Open Humanities Press, this is a sustainable series of electronic open access books about life - with life understood both philosophically and biologically - which provides a bridge between the humanities and the sciences.
The series includes:
* Astrobiology and the Search for Life on Mars, edited by Sarah Kember (Goldsmiths, University of London)
* Bioethics™: Life, Politics, Economics, edited by Joanna Zylinska (Goldsmiths, University of London)
* Biosemiotics: Nature, Culture, Science, Semiosis, edited by Wendy Wheeler (London Metropolitan University)
* Cognition and Decision in Non-Human Biological Organisms, edited by Steven Shaviro (Wayne State University)
* Cosmetic Surgery: Medicine, Culture, Beauty, edited by Bernadette Wegenstein (Johns Hopkins University)
* Creative Evolution: Natural Selection and the Urge to Remix, edited by Mark Amerika (University of Colorado at Boulder)
* Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me: Open Science and its Discontents, edited by Gary Hall (Coventry University)
* Energy Connections: Living Forces in Creative Inter/Intra-Action, edited by Manuela Rossini (td-net for Transdisciplinary Research, Switzerland)
* Human Genomics: From Hypothetical Genes to Biodigital Materialisations, edited by Kate O’Riordan (Sussex University)
* Medianatures: The Materiality of Information Technology and Electronic Waste, edited by Jussi Parikka (Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton)
* Nerves of Perception: Motor and Sensory Experience in Neuroscience, edited by Anna Munster (University of New South Wales)
* Neurofutures: Brain-Machine Interfaces and Collective Minds, edited by Timothy Lenoir (Duke University)
* Partial Life, edited by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (SymbioticA, University of Western Australia)
* Pharmacology, edited by Dave Boothroyd (University of Kent)
* Symbiosis: Ecologies, Assemblages and Evolution, edited by Janneke Adema and Pete Woodbridge (Coventry University)
* Another Technoscience is Possible: Agricultural Lessons for the Posthumanities, edited by Gabriela Mendez Cota (Goldsmiths, University of London)
* The In/visible, edited by Clare Birchall (University of Kent)
* The Life of Air: Dwelling, Communicating, Manipulating, edited by Monika Bakke (University of Poznan)
* The Mediations of Consciousness, edited by Alberto López Cuenca (Universidad de las Américas, Puebla)
* Ubiquitous Surveillance, edited by David Parry (University of Texas at Dallas)
* Veterinary Science: Animals, Humans and Health, edited by Erica Fudge (Strathclyde University) and Clare Palmer (Texas A&M University)
Series Editor (with Clare Birchall) of the Culture Machine Liquid Books series of digital books, published by Open Humanities Press.
- Volume 1. New Cultural Studies: The Liquid Theory Reader, edited by Gary Hall and Clare Birchall
- Volume 2. The Post-Corporate University, ‘curated’ by Davin Heckman
- Volume 3. Technology and Cultural Form, openly written and edited by Joanna Zylinska and the students on the MA Digital Media at Goldsmiths, University of London.
- Volume 4. Wyrd to the Wiki: Lacunae Toward Wiki Ontologies, openly and collaboratively written by Shareriff (Trey Conner, University of South Florida) and mobius (Richard Doyle, Penn State University)
- Volume 5. 'We're All Game Changers Now': Open Education - A Study in Disruption, a book on Open Education, co-authored by Coventry’s Open Media Group and Mute Publishing, and designed as a critical experiment with both collaborative, processual writing and concise, medium-length forms of shared attention.
- Volume 6. Biomediaciones / Biomediations - a book collaboratively speed-edited in three hours at the Living Books workshop at the Festival of New Media Art and Video Transitio_MX 05 BIOMEDIATIONS (Biomediaciones) in Mexico City, September 2013.
- Volume 7. After New Media: A Liquid Reader - a 'liquid reader' for the non-assessed, online and open access course 'After New Media' from Goldsmiths, University of London
- Volume 8. Photomediations: An Open Reader - an open, wiki-based part of the online project Photomediations: An Open Book. It contains academic, curatorial and mainstream open access essays on the dynamic relationship between photography and other media.
- Volume 9. Really, We're Helping To Build This . . . Business: The Academia.edu Files - charts the debate over for-profit academic social networking sites (aka academic research sharing platforms) such as Academia.edu, ResearchGate and Mendeley. It features contributions from Gary Hall, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Eileen Joy and Guy Geltner.
- Volume(n) 10. Eco-catástrofe y deconstrucción - a liquid version of the MA seminar on deconstructive environmental criticism at 17, Institute of Critical Studies in Mexico (more information about 17 can be found here). Its purpose is to create and make available in Spanish some situated and creative translations of current theoretical reflections around ‘the disappearing future’.
Series Editor of the Culture Machine book series (Oxford and New York: Berg, 2004-2008), which brought together writers from relevant arts, social sciences and humanities disciplines: literary, critical and cultural theory; cultural, media and communication studies; new media; art history; anthropology; continental philosophy; sociology and political science. Titles in the Berg Culture Machine book series included:
• Paul Virilio's City of Panic (2005)
• Clare Birchall, Knowledge Goes Pop: From Conspiracy Theory to Celebrity Gossip (2006)
• Charlie Gere, Art, Time & Technology: A History of the Disappearing Body (2006)
• Jeremy Gilbert, Anti-Capitalism and Culture: Radical Theory and Popular Politics (2008)
Series Editor (with Chris Hables Gray) Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (London and New York: Continuum, 2000 to 2004), a series of books in critical and cultural theory, media and cultural studies, sociology, philosophy and the history and philosophy of science. Publications in the Technologies series included:
• Graham MacPhee, The Architecture of the Visible: Technology and Urban Visual Culture (2002)
• Adrian Mackenzie, Transductions: Bodies and Machines at Speed (2002)
• Joanna Zylinska, ed., The Cyborg Experiments: the Extensions of the Body in the Media Age (2002)
• David Tomas, Beyond the Image Machine: A History of Visual Technologies (2004)
Founder (with Dave Boothroyd) of Culture Machine, an international, online, peer-reviewed journal of cultural studies and cultural theory. Culture Machine's international editorial board includes Lawrence Grossberg, Peggy Kamuf, Alphonso Lingis, Meaghan Morris, Paul Patton and Avital Ronell. The journal provides an ideal opportunity to explore the possibilities and problems posed for research into cultural, sociological, aesthetic and political questions by new media technologies. Culture Machine was launched in February 1999. Distinguished contributors to Culture Machine include Alain Badiou, Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Diane Elam, Henry A. Giroux, Lawrence Grossberg, N. Katherine Hayles, Peggy Kamuf, Ernesto Laclau, J. Hillis Miller, Mark Poster, Bernard Stiegler and Gregory L. Ulmer.
Contributing Editor of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.
Member of the Editorial Board of Postgraduate English, an Internet journal designed to meet the needs of UK-based postgraduate students in English (launch - Jan. 2000).
Member of the Editorial Board of Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (Routledge/Taylor and Francis)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Edu-Factory journal.
Founder member of the Network for Editors of Interdisciplinary Journals (established 2008).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Leonardo Electronic Almanac (Leonardo Journal and MIT Press)
Member of the advisory panel for Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
Visiting Fellow in The Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge (2010).
Associate Member, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge.
Member of the Advisory Board for the Creative Research Center, Montclair State University, US.
Member of the Academic Steering & Advocacy Committee, the Open Library of Humanities.
Member of the Editorial Board of Política común: A Journal of Thought.
Member of the Editorial Board for Versejunkies.com, the first interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the theory and practice of intersemiotic translation.
Member of the Advisory Board for the Digital Humanities book series from Open Book Publishers.
Member of the Advisory Board for Mattering Press.
Member of the Editorial Board of How to Sleep Faster (arts journal).
Member of the Editorial Board of Spheres, an open access journal, edited by Clemens Apprich, Magdalena Freudenschuss, Paul Feigelfeld, Hana Yoosuf and Armin Beverungen and published from the Common Media Lab and the Digital Culture Research Lab at Leuphana University, Germany.
Member of the Advisory Board of A Peer-Reviewed Journal About Post-Digital Research.
Member of the Advisory Board of Libraria.
Member of the Editorial Board of New Formations.
Member of the Editoirial Board for Imbricate! Press.