Two new books from OHP: New Materialism; and Terror, Theory and the Humanities

In anticipation of Open Access Week 2012, Open Humanities Press is
delighted to announce the release of 2 new open access books,
published in partnership with MPublishing, at the University of
Michigan Library:
New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies by Rick Dolphijn and Iris
van der Tuin, includes interviews with Rosi Braidotti, Manuel DeLanda,
Karen Barad, and Quentin Meillassoux
Terror, Theory and the Humanities, ed. Jeffrey De Lio and UppinderMehan, contains essays by Christian Moraru, Terry Caesar, David B.Downing, Horace L. Fairlamb, Emory Elliott, Elaine Martin, Robin TruthGoodman, Sophia A. McClennen, William V. Spanos, Zahi Zalloua.
Like all the OHP books, these are freely available for reading online
and downloading as PDF (as well as for purchase through Amazon).