Paying attention: new issue of Culture Machine

edited by Patrick Crogan and Samuel Kinsley
How are the ways we understand subjective experience – not least cognitively – being modulated by political economic rationales? And how might artists, cultural theorists, social scientists and radical philosophers learn to respond – analytically, creatively, methodologically and politically – to the commodification of human capacities of attention? This special issue of Culture Machine explores these interlinked questions as a way of building upon and opening out contemporary research concerning the economisation of cognitive capacities. It proposes a contemporary critical re-focussing on the politics, ethics and aesthetics of the ‘attention economy’, a notion developed in the 1990s by scholars such as Jonathan Beller, Michael Goldhaber and Georg Franck.
Patrick Crogan, Samuel Kinsley, ‘Paying Attention: Towards a Critique of the Attention Economy’
Bernard Stiegler, ‘Relational Ecology and the Digital Pharmakon’
Tiziana Terranova, ‘Attention, Economy and the Brain’
Jonathan Beller, ‘Wagers Within the Image: Rise of Visuality, Transformation of Labour, Aesthetic Regimes’
Samuel Kinsley, ‘Towards Peer-to-Peer Alternatives: An Interview with Michel Bauwens’
Sy Taffel, ‘Escaping Attention: Digital Media Hardware, Materiality and Ecological Cost’
Ben Roberts, ‘Attention-seeking: Technics, Publics and Software Individuation’
Taina Bucher, ‘A Technicity of Attention: How Software “Makes Sense”’
Martyn Thayne, ‘Friends Like Mine: The Production of Socialised Subjectivity in the Attention Economy’
Rolien Hoyng, ‘Popping Up and Fading Out: Participatory Networks and Istanbul’s Creative City Project’
Bjarke Liboriussen, ‘Second Life: Message (to Professionals), Attention! Economic Bubble (to the Rest of Us)’
Bjarke Liboriussen, Ursula Plesner, ‘Current Architectural Use of Virtual Worlds’
Ruth Catlow, ‘We Won’t Fly for Art: Media Art Ecologies’
Constance Fleuriot, ‘Avoiding Vapour Trails in the Virtual Cloud: Developing Ethical Design Questions for Pervasive Media Producers’
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