Open book digital humanities series

Open Book Publishers is proud to announce the launch of a Digital Humanities Series. The series is overseen by an international board of experts and its books subjected to rigorous peer review. Its objective is to encourage and support the development of experimental monographs, edited volumes and collections that extend the boundaries of the field and help to strengthen its interrelations with the other disciplines of the arts, humanities and beyond. It will offer digital humanists a dedicated
venue for high-quality, Open Access publication.
Proposals in any area of the Digital Humanities are invited. For further details and instructions on how to submit please see
Editorial Board
Paul Arthur, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Julia Flanders, Gary Hall, Brett Hirsch, Matthew L. Jockers, John Lavagnino, Willard McCarty, Roberto Rosselli del Turco and Elke Teich.
Open Book Publishers
Open Book is an independent academic publisher, run by scholars who are committed to making high-quality research available to readers around the world. We publish monographs and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and offer the academic excellence of a traditional press, with the speed, convenience and accessibility of digital publishing. All our books are available to read for free online. To date we have 30 books in print, over 215,000 visits to these books via the Web and readers from over 125 countries. See for more information.