Filosofía pirata y trabajo editorial / Pirate Philosophy and Editorial Work

An e-book of essays on pirate philosophy, edited by Gabriela Méndez Cota in Mexico, has just come out:
Filosofía pirata y trabajo editorial (Pirate Phiosophy and Editorial Work)
It's partly influenced by, and engaging with, my work on Pirate Philosophy, and a lecture I gave for Gabriela at her institution in Mexico city, Universidad Iberoamericana, in September 2019: 'Liberalism Must Be Defeated: On the Obsolescence of Bourgeois Theory in the Anthropocene'. (A Spanish translation of my lecture is available here.)
But - as is indicated by the 'related posts' section at the bottom of the page - Filosofía pirata y trabajo editorial/ Pirate Philosophy and Editorial Work is also influenced by the work of my Centre for Postdigital Cultures colleagues Janneke Adema and Rebekka Kiesewetter on radical open access, feminism and piracy.